Sources for inexpensive prescription Rapamycin
My understanding is that in the U.S. Rapamycin is expensive with prescription, but it can be purchased overseas for much cheaper. Recommendations for pharmacies (compounding or otherwise) that have websites where it can be purchased if you have a prescription? Canada would be ideal.
In reply "to are we there yet", I have been taking 6 mg rapa once weekly for 2 years with zero side effects. I am 72 yo, and feel that it is a waste of money to take rapa before the age of 60. Tor signal still quite low before that age. A good read is
On another topic: Has anyone ordered rapa from the antiageing clinic above. If so, how is the service and who is manufacture of rapa.
I am very interested in using Rapamycin. After reading a numbers of papers on the subject of Rapamycin and its possible anti-aging actions.
I have looked around at the many online suppliers and see the pricing is just too high, as are the commercially available tablets.
I am currently having 5mg capsules compounded by a compounding pharmacy for me at a much lower pricing but the only draw back is the large amount of capsules I needed to order.