immediate release Metformin (irM) possible side effect: bladder/ prostate irritation
I started taking metformin about 1.5 months ago [2x500mg/day] and have noticed an increased urge to urinate. my bladder or prostate, possibly both, seems to react in a very bad way. any advice on how to continue metformin therapy and avoid urinary symptoms at the same time?
I have considered s-o far the following strategies:
1. use slow release metformin instead [would it still have an anti aging effect?]
2. take irM together with meals
3. take irM intravenously
4. take irM 4 times instead of 2 times a day (250mg x 4 versus 500mg x 2)
Hi Cristian:
People with certain gene variations can not typically handle Metformin.
I have a friend who is actually a type 2 diabetic and she literally fell on the floor and started to shake a short while after taking it. She stopped.
I am not a diabetic. I was taking 800 mgs of regular Metformin in split dosage of 400 mgs morning and night. After about a year of usage I started to notice difficulty with tough work outs. I was feeling weakened. I was taking it solely for the reported anti-aging benefits.
If you research Metformin you will see it is known to reduce V02 max and can cause fatique, while exercising and can reduce ability to work out to maximum levels.
I eventually cut the dosage down to 125 mgs, morning and evening and that appears to have resolved the issue.
I can not say that Metformin has offered any obvious benefit. I did not drop weight, not even a pound, when starting it and using it, now. No changes in blood work, negative or positive.
I prefer not to take the extended release because once you dose it you can not take back the dose. It stays in your system until it's half life resolves.
With the regular Metformin, I can split the dose.
Maybe your idea of taking it four times a day will help.