DHEA protocol?

I'm looking into supplementing with DHEA - suggestions and protocols to follow? I understand you need to do blood test before and during to establish dosage, thoughts? I'm post 50, last I tested my testosterone a few years ago it was down a little bit, not much. Drive and energy is great so no urgency, but thinking it might be time to add it to the regime. 

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    • Darryl
    • Darryl
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I refer you to Dr. Mercola's site for a protocol on what he uses for DHEA.  I've been using it for nearly a year now and it has raised my testosterone levels.   

      • Danmoderator
      • skipping my funeral
      • dantheman
      • 6 yrs ago
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      Darryl Thanks for the post. 

      I've seen Mercola's articles, and settled on using the protocols and recommendations on the LifeExtension site. They have numerous articles outlining the benefits and what to watch out for, but the best reference is their book Disease Prevention & Treatment 5th Edition also published by LifeExtension. I highly recommend this book in general. Finally, I called LE and talked to one of their advisors. 

      Anyhow I ordered the LE Male Elite panel and am waiting for the results, based on that I'll know a good approach to take, but meanwhile started with 25mg (LE recommended general male adult dose) and have experienced positive benefits. Most supplements have no discernible effects, but hormones and their precursors do (such as Melatonin) so not surprising I'd notice the effects. After I tweak in the dosage I'll test again in a month and dial it in. Depending on that I'll consider going further with integrative testosterone therapy. I'm hoping the DHEA will be sufficient however. 

      • Darryl
      • Darryl
      • 6 yrs ago
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      Dan Mc  

      Hey, thanks for the book suggestion.  I just ordered it.  I should use the LE advisors more frequently than I do.  I tried testosterone and HGH self injections for a few months last year but did not like the results.  Spiked my blood pressure and affected my mood.  I have heavy mercury toxicity (Off the Oligoscan charts) so expect that may have caused some of the problems.  DHEA cream applied transmucosal rectally and seems to have raised my testosterone by over 100 points.  May have been some other factors though as I was experimenting.   My wife and I are on the Experimental Age Reversal Interventions (second week) as a result of information obtained from the RAAD FEST 2018.   We were scheduled for stem cell treatments in Panama end of October but deferred until we could implement the protocols recommended to hopefully make the stem cells more effective.  Are taking Rapamycin and NAD sublinguial and will start patches in about 11 weeks.  Then on to Dasatinib plus Quercetin if I can find a source.   This site should have sources for compound pharmacies who make Dasatinib plus Quercitin.  Bill Faloon indicated at RAAD FEST they were on this site.  Can't find them but I'm new to site.  Good luck on your journey and hope the Male blood panel is helpful.

  • If I were male I am uncertain if I would choose DHEA as a first line for increasing T, as the chance of also increasing estrogen is great. I think Arimidex at low doses might prove better. You can purchase liquid Arimidex from peptide companies without a prescription. For someone with relatively good T numbers, but still on the low side, perhaps a drop or two of Arimidex every 3rd day would be enough to increase T while dropping excess estrogen. Of course you would need to test your blood routinely. For men with high estrogen Antiaging sells a 1 mg Arimidex pill without prescription. Taken every 3rd day this might just do the trick. Again you have to test your blood. 

  • CORRECTION--for men with high estrogen, most will only require 0.5 mg every 3rd day to correct ratio of T to estrogen. Sorry...I would have edited my previous comment if possible. 

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      • Danmoderator
      • skipping my funeral
      • dantheman
      • 6 yrs ago
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      FWIW I've started working my hormones recently. I had a free T of 5, age typical is more around 12, so armed with that I was able to start T therapy. Estradiol was low normal (30 I believe) and DHEA was likewise low. First I supplemented with 50mg of DHEA for a month which brought the DHEA to 600 - too high, but I also got more than a doubling of free T from 5 to 12. So theoretically if I was happy with having age average T levels then DHEA supplementation would be enough. At that point I started the T, and lowered DHEA to 25mg. I haven't tested yet, will do so in a week or two and then consult with my Urologist.


      I'm assuming DHEA will be in range (I can bump to 30mg by taking 2x15 mg if needed) and will see how far the 1.6%/1mg treatment takes me, if insufficient we'll talk about increasing the dose. 

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