"Wow, wow, wow" videos -- the rest of the story.


"Wow, wow, wow.  Just watch.

That comment is the final post on the topic, "YouTube age reversal videos".


Scroll down to the bottom (as of 2019-11-25).  Comments are closed there so I'm posting a new topic here.


After watching the Duncan Ross presentation video, a web search for Kimera Labs uncovered the rest of the story.  It is a story that does not have a happy ending.  Here's one example:

Kimera Labs Exosomes Review

By Chris Centeno, MD / February 13, 2019


Quote: "It’s hard to believe that in 2019 we have orthopedic sales reps who are silly enough to claim that a nonapproved and FDA-regulated drug product with no published clinical research has 100% efficacy. It’s also amazing to me that we have a company that is selling a culture-expanded drug product without FDA approval."

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