Qualia Senolytic product

Having booked a lot of success with improving my NAD+ levels by taking resveratrol and a NAD precursor ( which I've described in another forum ) I decided to take the next logical step and tackle senescent cells, so 10 days ago I took Qualia Senolytics. You get 12 capsules, of which you take 6 per day on consecutive days. Heavy Fitesin dose and quertecine too. Must say now gradually feeling the benefits - more mental clarity, creativity, better concentration, better balance, a general feeling of lightness. Even my typing skills have improved ! My years of IFíng and low carb diets have probably created a favourable environment but I'm still impressed. I've also recently discovered an alternative cheaper from Life Extension with a similar approach so I'm going to order that soon.

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    • Brian Valerie
    • Semi-Retired Health Education Teacher
    • Brian_Valerie
    • 1 yr ago
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    Hi David, and welcome to the Senolytics Fan Club!  I haven't noticed any effects from taking Life Extension's Senolytic Activator (nor from resveratrol, pterostilbene, NMN, NR, etc.), but am willing to take all of them based on the rather preliminary research.  I like that Life Extension's product contains theaflavins (which they claim, admittedly without much evidence, could substitute for the lack of dasatinib), as well as including apigenin, which seems to inhibit remaining senescent cells from making their damaging compounds.   

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  • Hi Brian, Thanks for responding and you're obviously someone like myself who enjoys self-experimentation ! We're entering a world where the research on humans is minimal to non-existent and I find that quite exciting. I suspect ( also without any research ) that different individuals react very differently to the various compounds and supplements we're discussing here - for instance, the first time I took resveratrol, on its own, I got an immediate energy boost, my wife felt absolutely nothing, and that was even before I took the NAD precursor. I wonder whether my lifestyle - highly active, regular fasting of various kinds, low carb diet, high intensity training - may have created preconditions in my body which make me more susceptible to these interventions. May I ask if your lifestyle is similar ?

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    • Brian Valerie
    • Semi-Retired Health Education Teacher
    • Brian_Valerie
    • 1 yr ago
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    Sorry for the nine day delay in replying, David, but only yesterday was I notified of your post.  Well, I do feel some (quite mild) anxiety about choosing the optimal dosing protocols for some supplements!  Yes, different individuals no doubt react differently to supplements, as they do to prescription medicines.  As mentioned, I haven't noticed effects that I feel confident about attributing to these various compounds (exceptions being the likes of melatonin), not to say that I always feel exactly the same, just saying that for milder fluctuations I suspect confounding variables such as previous night's sleep quality, internal or external stimuli, or even a placebo effect.  My lifestyle may be a somewhat modified version of yours.  I'm up to about 16 minutes almost every day of rather vigorous exercise (mostly a mix of rapid stair climbing and resistance training) along with varying amounts of moderate exercise like walks and gardening.  I'm down to a typically 6 to 7 hour time restricted eating window.  I do avoid high glycemic loads and eat significantly less carbs than the average American.  I haven't read about immediate energy boosts from resveratrol, but sure have experienced them with caffeine!  ☺️

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  • Great to hear from you Brian and your lifestyle sounds pretty healthy to me ! A week ago I began a supplement called Bio-Fitesin from Life Extension, 1 tablet per day of 8mg, and I have to say once again I quickly noticed benefits - hair and nails growing more quickly, teeth feel stronger and creativity and the ability to conceptualise also improved - I play chess online most days to try and keep what's left of the brain working, so definitely noticed this. Indeed it's all very individual and the trick is to experiment with an open mind and see what works for you.

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    • Brian Valerie
    • Semi-Retired Health Education Teacher
    • Brian_Valerie
    • 1 yr ago
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    Sounds good.  On Life Extension website's Senolytic Activator (which contains 56mg of Bio-Fisetin) Product Details  "Convenient, once-weekly formula" sub-section, they write, "Senolytic research indicates that intermittent dosing in pre-clinical studies is effective at supporting healthspan."  They cite the research journal Aging Cell 2015;14(4):644-58 as a reference to support their once weekly with a higher dosage recommendation.  The Mayo Clinic's fisetin studies are also continuing the murine studies protocol of intermittent (monthly) dosing.  Nonetheless, daily fisetin at that lower dose of 8mg is probably okay, but there is always the possibility of a homeostatic tolerance response.

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  • All very encouraging, but I'm not quite sure I understand your last phrase Brian ( you've obviously researched all this much more deeply than I have ) - could you kindly elucidate ? Anyway, whatever's going on, it's certainly beneficial, haven't felt this much energy in a long time and it seems to be cumulative.

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      • Brian Valerie
      • Semi-Retired Health Education Teacher
      • Brian_Valerie
      • 1 yr ago
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      I'm happy for your feeling so much energy, David, and will try not to be envious!  I was only referring to the fact that our bodies "adjust" to many of the supplements and drugs that we take, and build some level of tolerance to their effects, so that these effects may diminish with time.  This seems to be more likely with daily dosing than it is with weekly or monthly dosing.

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  • I guessed that what was you meant Brian. The Qualia Senolytics product contained 1400mg to be taken over 2 days, based on 20mg per kg bodyweight, so their approach is to go for a big hit very quickly, which I'm assuming is based on the research you refer to. For all I know I might still be getting the benefits of that first big hit. I do understand that the body may adjust and therefore the benefits might reduce, so I'll keep you posted.... 

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    • Brian Valerie
    • Semi-Retired Health Education Teacher
    • Brian_Valerie
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    Great!  Nice chatting with you, David.

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