Fiber, Fiber supplements, etc..

Nov 25, 2009

I have a 22 year old mare. She has had foundered feet since I got her home 3 or 4 years ago, but never seemed to bother her. In the last couple of months, she has been having a harder time getting around.

Last month I took her to the vet. He stated that she is very arthritic and he thought that was most of her problem. She is very slow to walk and stiff, especially in the mornings. The vet examined her hooves very well, tested them, didn't find any ulcers, etc. The vet also wanted the farrier he works closely with to examine her hooves and give her a really good trim. We did that...farrier said, yes she has some arthritis, but she has foundered in the past and as a result grows more hoof faster, and had more hoof than she needed and felt good trims would help her get around better.

Well, she did get around a bit better for the first week or so following her trim, but is getting slower again.

I have 2 questions. I know I should put her on a supplement for Arthritis. I am looking for suggestions. Someone told me of one a couple of months ago, but can't remember the just consisted of 3 letters, like TLC, but don't remember what it was. Said it was a daily supplement I could mix with her feet or just give it to her with a syringe in the mornings.

The second there anything I can give her for the founder pain that is safe for a mini? With the big horses, we use Bute daily on one of the old ones to help with the pain and it's made a tremendous difference...however, I have always been told not to use Bute with minis. I know Banamine isn't a long-term solution for daily use either. I am wondering if there are any supplements, over-the-counter meds, etc. that would help her. I prefer something I can just administer to her daily rather than mix into feed as she is in a small pen with 3 other older mares and isn't separated at feeding time.

Thank you in advance for the input and suggestions.



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    The second there anything I can give her for the founder pain that is safe for a mini? With the big horses, we use Bute daily on one of the old ones to help with the pain and it's made a tremendous difference...however, I have always been told not to use Bute with minis. I know Buy Anti-Cancer Drugs Online Banamine isn't a long-term solution for daily use either. I am wondering if there are any supplements, over-the-counter meds, etc. that would help her. I prefer something I can just administer to her daily rather than mix into feed as she is in a small pen with 3 other older mares and isn't separated at feeding time.

    Thank you in advance for the input and suggestions.

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