Where to buy rapamycin?

Hey everyone, 

I’m new to the group. Really cool to see everyone’s experience with Rapamycin.

I’m looking to get some myself. I’m actually more interested in it for my cat’s heart condition. There is currently a study being done at UC Davis for cats that have Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) and the use of a rapamycin to either slow it down or completely reverse it. 

I’ve applied for the study, but in the case we don’t get in I was hoping to get some myself. 

the study also outlined the amount they are giving the cat and the schedule. So based on that I’m going follow the same protocol for my cat. 

my vet is also super interested in it. He said it could be beneficial. 

unfortunately it’s not FDA approved for animals yet or he would have prescribed it for my cat. 

What are some good reliable sources to buy rapamycin? 


1mg tablets probably only a 2-3 month supply. I’ll be cutting them in quarters to give to my cat. I might even need a smaller supply maybe a months worth. 

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  • Hi Stefan, I am also going to treat my elderly cat with rapamycin. He is 4kg, so I plan on buying the 0.5mg tablets for him, maybe I can find it as a capsule instead. I have been giving him fisetin, since it's easy to buy, alternating with NAD (Life Extension brand). For rapamycin, I am researching Indiamart as a possible source, and domestically I will compare Amazon, Medly, and Tailor Made to see if any are affordable. Thankfully I have a prescription for it, but the big pharma prices, ie, walmart, costco, cvs, etc are through the roof. 

      • Jay Orman
      • Jay_Orman
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Violette Toulon Check the Amazon prices for generic on Amazon Pharmacy.  Amazon Prime members may get a very good discount. 

      Like 1
    • Violette Toulon Perhaps of interest: https://www.rapamycin.news/t/rapamycin-for-dogs-part-2/85

    • Jay Orman Yes - Amazon prime prices for Sirolimus (generic) are very good.  This is the best US source I think, if you have a prescription.

    • @Jay Orman  Of all the US retailers I compared (including the Goodrx pricing) I found the lowest price for metformin and sirolimus to be via Amazon as a Prime member. Unfortunately, Medly was too expensive- they quoted me $801.87 for sirolimus 2mg/60 day supply. Amazon costs $494.90 for the same rx. I worry about the safety of these generics, even if they're from a US pharmacy, which is why my choice would have been Medly. The latest contamination scare was with hydrochlorothiazide. Before that it was with Metformin. Who knows what else is contaminated with cancer causing chemicals.  This is my first time ordering these pharmaceuticals, and after exhaustive research on these forums I finally decided to START the regimen with a prescription from a doctor, but my goal is to find a safe, reliable source in India. I want the freedom to make my own decisions concerning my regimen. 

    • Brin Chikovski Yes, Amazon prime offers best price. For the products from India, it seems that Siromus by Zydus Cadila is the safest source. 

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  • If anyone is looking for a list of rapamycin vendors (overseas) that have proven to be trustworthy with good service - after a few people had bad experiences people pulled together this list of companies that ship what they say they'll ship:  


  • Can you send me the protocol for rapamycin in cats with HCM? My cat wasn't accepted into the study. Her cardiologist said she is willing to give it if I can find the protocol with dosing. 

    Thank you

    • Diane R Wilson I think this is as close as you'll find: https://www.rapamycin.news/t/rapamycin-for-dogs-part-2/85

      • Theresa
      • Theresa
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Diane R Wilson My cats didn’t get in either. I’m wondering if you were about to get your cat started on it and if so how is it going? I contacted Truvium Vet last week about the status of release and approval. No time soon- they said it’s in the regulators hands and they would be opening up additional clinical trials in “the coming years” but could not speculate as to how soon the next would begin.

    • Karina
    • Kmh
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hello everyone! I just came across this forum tonight, distraught over my cat’s echocardiogram and unable to accept the prognosis his cardiologist handed us… Thank you to everyone who has shared links, I will be ordering a variety of different tablets from vendors tonight. I wanted to ask whether anyone has begun their cat on a rapamycin protocol and whether they’ve noticed any improvements/side effects? Much love and gratitude to this community ❤️

    • Karina . Hi there Karina. Please let me know where you ordered your tablets from? Did you go generic or brand? I hesitate to buy generic. Also, I have read that the suggested dosage is 0.05-0.1mg/kg 3 times a week for 10 weeks. Does that sound correct? Thank you!!

      • Karina
      • Kmh
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Renee Ferrero Hi Renee! Rapamycin is marketed in Brazil by Pfizer under the Rapamune brand, and this is what we’ll be using. With all of the feline studies, one of which I was told has concluded and should publish results within the next year, I’ve seen that the drug is administered once a week for twelve weeks in the case of renal disease, six months for the HCM studies. But there is no available information regarding the dosage levels. His cardiologist has been looking into it and said the lowest dosage he’s seen used is 0.05mg/kg, which is what we’ll be starting in about a month’s time. He’ll be receiving regular blood and urine testing, and assuming no adverse effects are noticed we’ll gradually increase the dosage. He was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and has developed clotting since he began treatment for the condition, so we’re waiting for him to stabilise and doing research in the meantime before commencing.

  • Hello Everyone. Thank you all fir your insights and information on this promising drug. My 13 year old feline has mild HCM along with CKD. It sounds like this drug would be beneficial for both of these concurrent conditions. Any thoughts to share ? I am going to talk to my vet about starting my cat on a very low dose but I know she will hesitate since it is not approved yet. 

    • Renee Ferrero 

  • Thank you so much Karina. Will you be using the drug to treat renal disease or HCM?

      • Karina
      • Kmh
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Renee Ferrero Hi Renee. We’re hoping that both conditions might see improvements. I heard back from TriviumVet, the study is being compiled and will be released in 2023. I live in Brazil, so am purchasing from one of our many pharmacy chains (I think I won’t need a prescription, if so I have medical doctors willing to supply me with one) and having it compounded into the correct dosages. I’m not sure where you live, but have you looked into the possibility of sourcing it locally? I know members of this forum tend to purchase from India, but I’ve read that purity levels vary wildly. And both of my vets were hesitant too, but after sharing my research and making clear my intent to seek this therapeutic intervention, as well as stating that I’d abide by their instructions and monitor all of his vital signs with frequent testing, they are now fully on board. (I did ask for referrals from other contacts though, just in case they refused.) I’d suggest speaking with her again, if you trust her as a clinician. And if she doesn’t wish to participate, then ask if she could recommend you to another veterinarian who might. Given the unknowns and the delicate nature of his conditions as well as his age, as a fellow pet parent I would advise you against doing this on your own.

  • Thanks you again Karina. I saw my vet today since my kitty Chance’s renal values were up and I need to increase fluid therapy. She suggested I check with my cardiologist to get his opinion on rapamycin. She is hesitant to  advise since she says we can’t purchase it yet. I am thinking positive since this med might be so helpful for both his renal and heart condition. Do you have a link for where you plan to purchase it? 

  • Hi Stefan. Have you tried the rapamycin yet for your cat? Anxious to know if you have had any luck with it?

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