Canadian Seeking Rapamycin

Due to our government monopoly on health care I am at loss where to get Rapamycin. From what I understand many of you Americans have been able to get a prescription from a doctor and then use that prescription to get your dosses filled at a pharmacy. 

My problem and questions. 

1. I very much doubt I can ask a doctor here in canada for rapamycin and get it. Has any fellow Canadian gotten one and did you have to use some condition (other than aging) to get it? Would like to try but would like to come in with good chances of success. Perhaps I can try several different doctors. Would be nice to get a canadian prescription because our drugs tend to be cheaper to purchase than in the USA.

2. Any other solutions? Drive down to the states and get a prescription? I am open to ordering outside of Canada for example in India but after reading the forums it seems that this is highly hit and miss, and I would of course want to avoid taking placebos for years on end:).


Thank you all

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  • Best route is Dr Green or another US physician who is known to prescribe Rapamycin.

    Then you can fill the prescription in the US (CVS, Kroger, using GoodRx coupons).  Even then, it's ~CAD $5 per mg.  Customs don't seem too interested, as long as you have the label on the bottle with your name on it, so just drive it across.  

    You can also get it from India via Indiamart, for < $1 per mg. (Sirolumus). Quality is less certain, and not all shipments to Canada get through, but most do.  I've used GP Pharma with good results.

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