Richard Miller on Peter Attia podcast regarding rapamycin

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    • Van
    • Van
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I just started taking Arcarbose instead of Metformin.  My plan was to take 100 mg Arcarbose with meals 3 X's a day.  The reason that I was going to try and change was the Arcarbose seem to do a better job in control glucose and extending lifespan.  It also had a bigger impact on HbA1c which for me was hard to get lower.  Well I took 1,000 mg Metformin at noon and 3 hours later had a meal.  Took 100 mg Arcarbose with that meal and 30 minutes later felt bloated and just over all bad.  Took nothing else until next day.  Told myself to not take them together.  Next day took 50 mg instead of 100 with my meal and felt great no problems.  So that is where I am at at this moment.  Read on the web that it takes awhile to let your body adjust to Arcarbose just like it did with Metformin.  WIll report back when I have more data.  I would not take both together.  I took Metformin to control Glucose and just like you I was pre-diabetes.  Metformin schedule was 500 mg morning, 1000 mg 12-2pm., and 500 mg at bedtime.  Really reduced my cravings for carbs, and helped reduce fat and weight gain.  Hope Arcarbose does same because here in spain 40 50 mg tablets only cost $2.  Metformin is also super cheap

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      • Van
      • Van
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Hello World   No capsules.  Mix throughly 1 gram of rapa to 250 gm Lactose powder.  Lactose is slightly sweet.  I measure .25 gram = 1 mg rapa so 5 mg rapa = 1.25 gm mixture.  I use jewelers scale from Amazon that measures to .001 mg.  Plenty accurate for this.  It is crucial that you mix rapa with another agent so you can measure accurately.  I use a small plastic container to measure mixture and then just tip it into your mouth and wash down with water.  Very easy, takes less than 1 minute. 

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      • Guillermo
      • Glococo
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Hi Van , I bought Acarbose (Glucobay) for 8€ (100tablets x 50mg) last week.
      I will try Acarbose + Metformin for few months before trying Rapa because it is really cheap here in Spain.
      Also I was thinking about Canaglifozin + Acarbose combo, what do you think ?
      Canaglifozin cost without prescription 75€, but... with prescription just 4€.- 

      The reason why I want to avoid Metformin is the loose of muscle. When I go to gym, recovery take longer. 

      • Van
      • Van
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Guillermo I buy Acarbose 100 mg.  did 50 mg at first, but not enough.  Same cost, just less hassle with 100 mg which is my minimum dose.  Gas mostly goes away with time.  Only take right before a high carb meal.  I also take Canglifozin 300 mg., cost me 84 euros without Rx.  Also take Meformin 2,000 mg. daily 500 morning and night, and 1000 mg at 12:00.  Have lost 10 kg.  I weigh 75 kg. (180 cm tall) and want to get 2 kg. less then will cut back on Acarbose and Metformin.  Metformin dulls my appetite.  New study just out says Metformin does not reduce muscle mass.  Try to Google it.  Question Guillermo:  Do you have Spanish Public Health Insurance that pays for your drugs??

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      • Guillermo
      • Glococo
      • 2 yrs ago
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      hi Van , I am 184 cm tall, now weighting ~74kg. Yes, I have spanish national healthcare. I took info from many sites and papers. Novoslabs have a nice blog.

      This is my daily stack:

      Wake up NooTropics:
        1g Glycine
        B12 1mg(1/20 HSN 1000ug Cap)
        150~200mg L-theanine(HSN)
        400mg Guarana(HSN)
        500mg Alcar(HSN)
        400mg l-tyrosine(HSN)
        0.5g Taurine(HSN)
        50mg Ginger (¹/10 cap hsn)

      12 am
        1g Creatine (hsn)
        100ug K2 mk7
        150mg Hyaluronic Acid(HSN)
        425mg Metformin
        1g    glucosamine sulphate
        1g    Glycine(hsn)
        2G    Magnesium Malate (hsn)
        1g    OAKG(HSN)
        4g    Collagen+Mag+VitC HSN

      19~20hs (1.5~2hs before sleep):
         2.5g SleepCare (HSN) (magnesium,glycyne,teanine,gaba, inulina,5htp,melatonin)
           1g Mag L-Threonate(Hansen Supp)
        500mg Malic Acid(HSN)
         25mg AAS(Aspirin sanofi )
         50mg Ginger (¹/10 cap HSN)
        425mg Metformin
        450mg Milk Thistle(HSN)
        2g    Collagen+Mag+VitC HSN
        600mg  CaAKG(HSN)
        250mg Triptophan(hsn)


      And now I topup glucobay when I eat. (Usually eat at 16hs and 21hs)

      • Van
      • Van
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Guillermo Wow what a stack.  I do nothing like that, but have been taking Rapa for over 4 years.  The drugs/supplements that I take are for specific reasons in order to stay alive.  You are much younger ( I am 75 yo) and I understand your reasons for taking so much.  At my age I do not have the metabolism that I had at your age and as such must take drugs to control my vitals.  I have a specific purpose for everything I take.  I CAN EXPLAIN IN DETAIL EVERYTHING I TAKE AND WHY.  IF I CANNOT DO THAT I DO NO TAKE IT.




      My STACK: 

      Rapamycin 20 mg. twice a month.  High intermediate dose to get the "spike" in order  to get past the blood/brain barrier in the brain and inhibit the Tor signal to the Hippocampus where ageing in humans is controlled from. 

      One needs to control high levels of glucose in your body which cause inflammation. This is one of the main causes of death and disability in the world.  Inflammation builds plaque and fat in your arteries causing heart, brain and kidney disease.  To control inflammation further I take Crestor 5 mg.  and 100 mg aspirin.  The reason for this is that I am at risk because I have plaque and as such are at a higher risk for heart attack and stroke.  My plaque is very low for my age (28 Calcium Score) (.80 mm CIMT) Inflammation causes the bodies immune system to build hard plaque and later to attack it with WBC which turns it to the deadly "hot/soft" plaque.  I would not be taking a statin or aspirin without the presence of plaque in my arteries.

      In order to keep glucose levels low, I take Meformin to cut glucose production in the liver by 1/2.  Also take Canglifozin 300 mg which inhibits the amount of glucose reintroduced back into blood stream after kidney filtering by 1/2.  Take Acarbose 100 mg only before  a high carb meal.  It prevents spikes in glucose in bloodstream.  Have 2 more kg. to lose then I will cut back these medications while continue to monitor.  

      Keeping weight at a BMI between 20-24.  If you are controlling your glucose levels this should be attainable. 

      You must control blood pressure as you get older.  If not, it will kill you, causing strokes and heart attacks and kidney disease. It goes up regardless of lifestyle. High blood pressure will blow out your arteries in all major organs.  I control mine to  keep my systolic at 110 or below.  Too low is also bad, so it is a delicate dance that I take with different drugs to keep it at an ideal number.  That is why I monitor daily.

      I weigh myself and take B/P daily and record it.  I also meditate daily to keep me on course not only on my health, but my life.

      As one ages, your Red blood cells and white ones go down and Rapamycin also brings the numbers down.  So I take B-Complex with very high levels of B6, B12, Folic Acid, etc. All these help build new RBC.  One reason elderly lose energy is low levels hemogloblin to carry oxygen.

      I have BPH, so take Cialis to treat that.

      Have tried Dasatinib and Fisetin for senescence clearing of zombie cells, but really not sure if doing anything.  I prefer to stick with methods proven in extensive human clinical trials. 

      Exercise 5 days a week both cardio and resistance training.  40 kg. Kettlebell swings.

      Have a Phenoage of 62 years which is 13 years younger than chronological age.

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    • Guillermo
    • Glococo
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Hi Van , nice to hear from you, your point of view is interesting, and thanks for writing all those details, it take time. I want to learn more about mixing different drugs, the order and the space between them. Sometimes I re listen podcasts/youtubes because I always miss something.- Today I am listening Richard Miller podcast again
    I am 42y old, and 3y ago I was dignosed infertile. I been in human reproduction assistance with no luck, no sperms production. They told me that they can't do anything more. So I get out there to find out that there are a lot of interventions that I was missing and help me to be now dad.
    It is a learning curve. I started with NMN and Resveratrol (I bought the smokeseller book ), and then I realized that there are a lot more things, like mTor, Senolitics, FMD, HIIT and SIT. To make it short, I am better and still learning a lot. There is still a long road ahead. 

    Beside my mutating over the time daily "cocktel" ( I make it for 20days, 60cups, 3 cups a day, morning, middle day and night), I also do once a week 5x1" SIT swimming pool, and try to do everyday jump rope just few minutes, like 150jumps, not a big deal. I do not spend to much time doing exercises, which is a field I should improve.

    Beside the daily maintenance. I did FMD many times with senolytics starting on the 2 FMD Day, 3 dosis/day, for 2 consecutive days (each dosis: Fisetin 400mg, Quercitin 400mg, Pterostilbene 100mg, Apigenin 53mg (2 frozen chopped parsley cubes)  / per dosis), olive oil and cherry tomato. This year want to include spermidine.
    Previous images and this ones are some how old. (fisetin, quercitine and resveratrol)

      • Michael
      • Michael.1
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Guillermo Have you tried HCG or HMG for fertility?

    • Guillermo
    • Glococo
    • 2 yrs ago
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    Van I forgot to mention that I reduced aspirin from 100mg to 50mg and a few month ago to 25mg to avoid brain bleeding,

    I would like to know which combos are safe and sure to work with Rapamycin, Acarobse, Canaglifozin. 
    Btw, where are the results from ITP 2017 and ahead ? Some interventions starts at 16months of age. Many of those interventions are already finished and I could not find those results in the nih-itp website, like Phase II - Rapamycin/Acarbose

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      • JH
      • green_cloud
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Guillermo if you want to be fertile, rapamycin is not for you. I read some mouse experiments on rapamycin not favorable for sexual gonads. May be you can try korean ginseng, just my guess.

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      • Van
      • Van
      • 2 yrs ago
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      Guillermo You do not need Aspirin or Statin if you do not have plaque in arteries. Only put in your body things that have been proven on human studies.  At your age you probably do not, but to be sure you would need a Heart CT scan to get your Calcium Score.  I had one at 56 and my score was zero. At 74 yo., it was 28% which is low for my age, but not zero, so because of increased risk I need lose dose aspirin and statin.  Small amount of radiation with this CT which you only need to do once every 10 years unless you have a problem.  You can also get a CIMT which is a Echo of your Cartoid artery in neck.  If you show plaque there then you have it everywhere, i.e. kidneys, brain, and heart.  No radiation which this ultrasound.

      Also, I think you should cut out the rapa and see if you can become fertile again.  You never said what the specific problem was??  Low sperm, no fertile sperm,  many others.

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      • Guillermo
      • Glococo
      • 2 yrs ago
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      THanks Van for your comments. I don't know what I had, I suppose inflammation. I became fertile again and dad a year later :)

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