Sirolimus and covid

I take rapamycin (sirolimus) and read as much as I can find. So far I have not heard of anyone taking sirolimus getting covid. Is this significant? Suppression of mtor1 blocks or impedes cell viral replication within a cell. Sirolimus is listed as a possible treatment, but I have found no studies. Has anyone heard of an anti-aging rapalog user getting covid? It would be a good radfest topic.

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    • Larry
    • Larry.1
    • 4 yrs ago
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    I take rapamycin too. Are you saying you won't get COVID or just have mild or no symptoms? I believe the latter is probable. 

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  • Searching here on "covid" didn't find much pro/con some pro for the synolitics, but little re rapamycin helping/hurting rapa takers ward off an infection.

    But googling:

    Seems to cooberate the intuition that rapa an immune system down regulator does not help one fight off covid/flu etc.

    Any other comments, research?   LOL even though we are huddled up avoiding contact it does make one wonder about starting rapa circa October in Georgia a fairly warming up state for new infections. 

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