Is Young Plasma Really a Worthwhile Treatment for Aging?

The RAADFest 2018 Special Report of September 20, 2018 lists administration of blood plasma taken from young donors as one alternative in Step 4 in dealing with aging.  Today a news article in the Huffington Post entitled "He Hawks Young Blood As A New Miracle Treatment  -  All That’s Missing Is Proof" examines the $8,000 Ambrosia Corp. young-plasma treatment and portrays it as questionable medicine by a marginal MD who never finished his residency at a Boston hospital and is barred from medical practice in Massachusetts.

The article points out that in the often-quoted test with young and old mice with joined circulatory systems, the young mice were negativity impacted by the test far more than the old mice were helped.  One of the scientists involved in the test questioned whether it made any sense to administer 2 liters of young plasma to an aged human in a couple of days, based on their mouse experiment.

I question whether the Age Reversal Network should be promoting this scheme.

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  • JCG - I use a colostrum GcMAF cream.  It costs a little over $250 for 30 ml airless pump jar.  You just pump out enough to cover the finger tip and spread on the desired spot or a place that will permit reaching the blood stream.  This jar can last up to 3 months.  It is kept refrigerated.  It works because my Nagalase level has been decreasing to avoid prostate cancer which runs in my family.  I don't want to give you my supplier because I am afraid that the evil socialist FDA will try to raid them in the states like they did the doctors who were prescribing GOleic for autism.  The pharmaceutical industry is deathly afraid of GcMAF because it cures so many diseases, disorders, syndromes and conditions.  It even regrows hair.  Look at those links for just a sampling of what it does in the body.  It is anti-aging.

    • Danny Smith

      JGC - I also posted on the "Hair Regrowth" forum.  Replies are starting on this post.  Colostrum is available in all forms - pills, powder, sprays, cream, injectionables.  As this catches on, the prices will drop and market leaders will arise.  It's a shame its not made in America because of the FDA.  It's an all-natural unpatentable product with tremendous medical potential.  As you read in the links above, it regrows hair and smooths the skin, fights cancer and does so much more.  I would say, it is definitely anti-aging.  GREAT STUFF!   

    • JGC 

      It does include the liquid carrier.  GcMAF is so powerful that the body only needs ng's.  The first product on the market was GOleic.  This was made from source plasma.  The FDA banned this product for no valid reason other than it was not an approved drug since some doctors were beginning to treat patients with it (autism).  Google the name "Teri Davis Newman" who ran for Congress.  She says it saved her life from Uterine cancer which killed her sister.  Our medical system is trying to suppress GcMAF for obvious reasons.  I write my entire Georgia Congressional Delegation each week demanding that the ban on GcMAF be lifted.  GcMAF is the paradigm shift that our medical system needs.  

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    • Danny Smith 

      I should be clear that plain colostrum is not the same as colostrum MAF also known as bovine GcMAF.  So above when listing the forms available, I should have said colostrum GcMAF and not just colostrum.  Hope this did not confuse anyone.

      • Dennis
      • Dennis.1
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Danny Smith 

      Danny what affect do you see on yourself, besides higher Nagalase levels?

    • Dennis 

      I used First Generation GcMAF until the FDA banned it because some doctors in Georgia and Florida were using it in their practice.  They were using it to cure applicable cases of non-verbal autism.  This application was expanding because it was a cure for these kids.  Once the FDA found out that GcMAF was an unapproved drug being used by these doctors and they were not willingly going to stop using it because it worked, they raided some of them to send their evil message.  Then they proceeded to ban GcMAF.  One terminal cancer patient I know had to travel to Canada to smuggle in her GcMAF.  It kept her alive and now she is on colostrum MAF.  The evil socialist FDA will ban any all-natural product including cures if any threaten their revenue stream.  Colostrum MAF could be next since it is an unapproved medical product that is not going away because it works for many different issues. (Same as GcMAF.)

      While using First Generation GcMAF (GOleic), I would follow-up with periodic Nagalase Blood Tests (test not approved by the evil FDA) since this is a measure of viral and cancer activity in the body.  GcMAF is especially good at prodding the immune system to attack stealth viruses and cancer.  Of course, many cancers are caused by viruses.  I can tell the GcMAF is working if the Nagalase level is DECREASING.  Since starting colostrum MAF, my last test indicated a decreasing Nagalase level.  A value of around 2.32 indicates probable cancer.  Normal is .35 - .95.  My last reading was 1.05.  So I should be in the normal range by now.  I'll get another blood test in a month or two.  My test got as high as 1.82 before starting a round of GOleic. 

      In order for GcMAF to work efficiently you have to have a higher Vitamin D blood level.  (ideally > 40 ng/ml)  Also the diet should include some foods with Oleic Acid.  This could mean the difference between a responder and a non-responder to GcMAF.  I expect the same is true for colostrum MAF.  One surprise with GcMAF is that you can be treating one problem and, unknown to you, the GcMAF could be curing something else in addition.  It completely cured a Herpes infection I had for decades while I was using GcMAF to prevent prostate cancer.  By the way, I have my hair at age 74 and in excellent health - no FDA medications.

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