Fruit with Anti-Aging Power

Finger lime an Australian fruit carries an anti-aging strength of ‘citrus caviar.” It is actually the small pearls that are found in the flesh of finger limes that have become the most trending and must-have cosmetic product for those who are trying to get rid of their wrinkles.

Finger lime is said to be packed with high vitamin C – more than 40 times higher than in blueberries.

Vitamin C helps reduce the skin spots and appearance of wrinkles. The higher concentration of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in the lime has also been found effective at breaking down dead skin cells, leaving your skin supple, softer, and smoother

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  • Sounds cool! I also read on betterAging that blueberries and oranges have some resembling effects on aging as well, including anti-inflammatory activity. Thoughts?

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