Has anyone tried exosomes?

I just tried 3 days ago, still don't feel different *yet*

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    • Bruce B
    • Bruce_123
    • 6 mths ago
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    I have been recently experimenting with Exosomes, anyhow initially I tried ASCE adipose freeze dried exosomes, later started to use frozen placental MSC exosomes, I have found the freeze dried to not be anywhere near as effective.

    I have self-treated a few things with good response.

    •    My Chronic lower back pain – result of injury in my early 20 – pain resolved 24 hours
    •    Bunions in wife’s feet – pain gone 24 hours – a few months later with two additional treatments toes straightening somewhat, bunions shrinking somewhat. 
    •    Tinnitus in wife - reduced by 50 percent – 24 hours
    •    Middle Age Pet dog – Perineal hernia not healing well after surgical repair.  – Injected butt with exosomes by the next day’s healing was visibly improved.  

    I could go on extensively as I have done quite a bit of stuff with them recently.  I have seen firsthand they are able to heal things that are otherwise very difficult to tackle. 

    • Bruce B
    • Bruce_123
    • 1 mth ago
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    Hi Alex, what did you have done and what were they treating, and what sort of product did they use?

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