Fisetin during a 3 day water fast?

I am doing a 3 day water fast and wondering if I should postpone my monthly Fisetin dosage until after the fast?   

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    • Chan
    • Chan.1
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I bought bio-Fisetin from Life Extension and I think it does something.    I used Swanson Fisetin before that and didn't feel much.

    Like 1
    • Chan How do you use it? Daily? According to your weight? 

      • Chan
      • Chan.1
      • 3 yrs ago
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      Robin Maisel I says to take 1/day and do not exceed this recommendation.   But I've been taking two in the morning and two in the evening.    Sometimes I take 3 at a time.    I've been on it three days now and that's all I'll do this time.   BTW, the Bio-Fisetin description says it has 25 times more bioavailability than standard fisetin.

  • and you are just taking it for a while, like 3 days in a row and a break of a month or consistently every day?

  • I am confused. I thought visiting should never be taken daily. 

    • Robin Maisel that is what i want to find out before starting

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