Is it the modesty of one of our moderators (Max Peto) making such that this nice and relevant work is not emphasized (at least I could not find it) in this Forum? So I do it ... ;-)
Maximus Peto, Carlos De la Guardia, Ksenia Winslow, Andrew Ho, Kristen Fortney, & Eric Morgen. "Mortalitypredictors.org, a manually curated database of published biomarkers of human all-cause mortality. Aging, 2017. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5611985/
albedo Thanks for pointing out that paper. Yes, it was indeed me who was one of the main authors on that publication. I screened approximately 5,000 papers for biomarkers of all-cause mortality in humans.
It was a good experience. I learned a lot about what biomarkers are associated with longevity in humans.