Self experimenting

Have been using acytl l-carnitine plus alpha lipoic acid for some years. Resveratrol and when I can find it Rhodiola.

Recently, I have started taking phenylpiracetam powder (which tastes like burnt electrical wiring).  At first it was for the alleged intelligence boost; later it was for the side effects.

It improves circulation; my hands do not bruise as easily.

In context I am 74 and living in an area where the 50 year olds look older than I do; I think it the water.

OK, this idea has been shot down by at least one academic.

I was looking up the LD 50 for heavy water ( between 1/3 and 1/2 body weight ) when I wondered what a less-than-lethal dose could do at the cellular level.

Bad things, as it turns out.

A 250 mL glass of water has enough d2o for around 1 million points of failure per cell.

Then, the question became why.

Well, now I had to go to quantum mechanics to find an answer, it seems that a single proton has a larger (wavefront? uncertainty?) than a proton plus a neutron; this affects the length (and perhaps the stretchablity) of the molecular bond.

A heavy hydrogen atom attaches to a hydrocarbon stronger than can be easily broken at normal body temperature.

(this is taken advantage of by some medications)

Now, am I going to try this out? No, this is too expensive. The stuff is available on the internet at approximately $30 per 500mL bottle, more than $90 per day. It would be nice though to have the d2o levels printed on bottled drinking water, the stuff in my area is pretty bad (155 ppm) Florida should be worse (depends on the altitude).

Lucky for me I have no plans to live forever; just want to keep things running as long as possible.

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  • 2 yrs agoLast active
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