NMN, the double-edged sword - can evoke "Cancer", BEWARE!!


Recent studies suggest that cancer cells of many types depend on NAD+ to sustain their rapid growth and that cutting off the NAD+ supply could be an effective strategy for killing certain cancers. The data from these studies paint a more complicated picture of NAD+ and raise new questions about the diverse ways taking an NAD+-boosting supplement might influence health. “It might still slow down the aging part, but it might fuel the cancer part,” says Versha Banerji, a clinician-scientist at the University of Manitoba.

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    • dantheman
    • 4 yrs ago
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    This looks like another popular meme which is "sugar causes cancer". 


    Cancer, really tumors is what people mean, are defective cells with the autophagy mechanism disabled. To function they require many of the same things that regular cells do, such as glucose (sugar, for energy) and also NAD+. No surprise. So it's wrong to say that glucose or NAD cause cancer, or are cancer promoting, which is like saying wood causes fires. Wood is a fuel for fires, and if withheld can stop them, but they don't cause fires. In this case NAD+ is required for your body to function, sure if it was all removed the cancer would die, but so would the rest of your cells in less than a minute! *

    Whenever a scientist uses the word 'might' take it with an enormous grain of salt. They're speculating and usually get it wrong. Scientists should stick to science (speaking as a scientist). 


    * glucose is different and indeed you can withhold it and cause great trouble for tumors, as Voltor Longo has discovered. 

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