Fisetin vs. Dasatanib/Quercetin OR Both?

I take 1.2 grams Fisetin (125 lbs) 3days/month. Would it be too much to take D & Q monthly as well?  

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    • Randy B
    • Randall_Bagrowski
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Hard to say what the optimal dose is or the optimal interval since we are basically making this up as we go along. Dr Alan Green however, recommends taking all 3 on a quarterly basis if you are healthy. If you have health issues he recommends closer dosing intervals such as every month or two. I am "healthy" and take that combo about every 6-8 weeks. I will start my 3rd dose tomorrow. After that I will probably go to a quarterly dose schedule unless more research shows up to dictate otherwise.

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    • Randy B 

      Hi Randy - Have you noticed any benefits from the previous two doses?

      • Randy B
      • Randall_Bagrowski
      • 4 yrs ago
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      Kaptain Asia  None whatsoever!  

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