Finding a Dr to prescribe Metformin and Rapamycin

I have contacted several doctors listed at this site as longevity doctors. Their web sites seem to indicate they have very rich clients. I'm more looking for a Dr willing to prescribe for my self-directed therapy. I'm ok with them charging for their time, etc but want to avoid very expensive therapies they offer. The doctors from this list I have contacted are not responding; I suspect because I'm not a good candidate for their uber-therapies. Has anyone found a Dr willing to prescribe for a reasonable cost? Thx.

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    • Chris M
    • Chris_M
    • 1 yr ago
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    Instead of getting a prescription, you can order generic Rapamycin and metformin directly from India at much lower prices about 1 USD per mg.  You can confirm it's real from lab tests and the side effects you get.  You can then increase the absorption of Rapamycin by taking grapefruit juice an hour beforehand.  I take 3 mg + grapefruit juice every week.  Find out everything you wanted to know about Rapamycin and other longevity enhancements at the website!

    • Chris M where do you recommend I order from in India? Thanks 

      • Chris M
      • Chris_M
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      John Mcgough I bought mine from NIBA Healthcare from Jagdish Nikose - I have made two large purchases from him. He is very friendly and professional.

      This link describes the process best:

      There are 2 main problems with ordering from India.

      1. US customs.  They infrequently (~10% of the time) seize shipments of medications from India.  If you order more than 300 pills at a time, the chance of seizure goes up.  To avoid this, you should have it shipped from India using EMS.  They have the highest success rate for avoiding seizures.

      2. Indian Banks.  If you do a bank transfer, the Indian bank will take a fee which can be between $30-50 USD in addition to fees the US bank may charge.  They will not tell you how much beforehand, but if you send the exact amount, the seller will receive $30-50 USD less than expected and may send you less Rapamycin.

  • Could you please point me to the lab tests? I note that I have been taking rapamycin for 2 years and have not noticed any side effects. Person to person I guess.

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