Acquiring rapamycin within europe?

Hello everyone. I am happy that i stumbled upon this site. 

I created this thread because i hope there is someone that know how to acquire rapamycin within Europe? possible a European supplier? 


The medicinal community in my country is very very conventionel and there is no way a doctor would be willing to prescribe it to anyone unless they have received a kidney transplant. Likewise costums in my country is very very strict so ordering outside of the european union would mean that the package would be seized. 

kindly, chris 

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    • RobH
    • RobH
    • 6 yrs ago
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    Check IAS for the shipping requirements for their Rapapro.  It is manufactured in Europe, but that doesn't mean you can buy it...

  • Thanks Rob, ill throw them an email and update the thread when they answer. 

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  • 6 yrs agoLast active
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